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R-V-P // NEWS 2007
Sunday december 30 (18:35)
I've been too busy on my writings and the website to go with it ( to spend time on new tracks, lyrics or even any ideas.

Sunday november 25 (11:50)
I added a guestbook to all my sites: Sign the guestbook

Sunday september 23 (20:45)
A lot has happened the past months; We've re-united the SOTR-feel with the band 'Zone 62' ( But after a few months I realised that wasn't what I was looking for in the means of my personal an musical development. So in august I joined the atmospherical rockband 'GentleNova' (

After a swift rearranging of the studio today I browsed through some older recordings of ideas and templates and found the track 'Re-tase'. I uploaded the snippit to the music-section. The guitar-part is one I've been fiddling around with for a long time.

Wednesday february 28 (17:12)
I have been fiddeling this tune on my synth for a while. Yesterday I recorded the main keys and guide-drums. On to the guitars and bass.

NEWS 2009

NEWS 2006

NEWS 2005

NEWS 2004

NEWS 2003